Tag Archives: tiny

The 2020 Roster of Tiny Films Has Been Released!

We are proud to present to you the 2020 roster of tiny films for 8th annual Small Wonders Exhibition! (in screening order)

“Looking at Art” – Carl Knickerbocker (2020 Florida 0:47)
Looking at art. Stop motion clay figures. Odd.

“Water” – Cesar Diaz Melendez (2020 Spain 1:30)
The water journey and our problems with it. A sand animation film.

“Here ’til June” – Melanie Futorian (2020 New York 1:00)
What magical things can happen in an apartment during pandemic isolation.

“The Retreat” – Bel Holborow, Bella Meagher (2019 Australia 1:57)
Peace and quiet? Certainly not for Mona when Britney enters the scene. ‘The Retreat’ follows one woman’s desperation for serenity when faced with the frivolous procrastinations of a fellow retreater.

“A Beginner’s Guide to Quarantine From A Born-Again Optimist” – Kristyna Archer (2020 California 2:54)
Life in quarantine has taken a mental toll on every one of us. I made this film with hopes it would bring spirits up, reconnect us and act as reminder that this is a shared experience the world is having together, apart. You are not alone.

“House Call” – Lorraine Reyes (2019 Georgia 5:00)
A distracted entertainment booking agent mixes up the assignments for two house calls, creating and awkward situation where the customers are surprised and the talent feels like a fish out of water.

“Double Cross” – Jeff Vande Zande (2020 Michigan 1:00)
A story of presumed betrayal.

“Coronalone” – Nigel Gould-Davies (2020 United Kingdom 1:00)
Alone in lockdown, an unexpected encounter.

“ISOuLATION” – Sade Mamedova (2020 Russian Federation 2:59)
When the heart is broken and your soul is locked, you become a restless creature who will never be the same again.

“Loki’s Game” – Supple Nam, Johan Nayar (2020 United Kingdom 4:59)
Set in a urban environment, Loki, the God of Mischief, descends to play his games.

“A Flying Squirrel’s Tale” – Paul Kelly (2019 New York 0:57)
A flying squirrel outfoxes a “skulk of foxes” in the woods.

“Perturbation” – Fabrice en Garcia-Carpintero (2020 France 4:00)
They surround us, and too often go unnoticed … How many times do we cross their territory without taking the time to contemplate their discreet beauty? Perfectly suited. They exist, as we exist.

“Take It” – Txemi Pejenaute (2019 Spain 4:00)
He has shot his camera thousands of times and yet he has never taken a picture. An element of the disruption changes all and he begins to see for the first time, to have a look in his eyes.

“Gravity” – Yao Yao (2019 Netherlands 2:45)
When asked by his girlfriend about the essence of his love for her, a young man remembers a dream he once had about the African jungle, in which the forces of nature seemed to lead a life of their own.

“Go Back 3 Spaces” – Stefano Schiavone (2019 Italy 4:39)
With the typical coldness of board game rules and instructions, a Merchant tells the regret of a man isolated from the world. Despite everything, this is also a love story.

“ISOLATION” – Gnanendra Shamaiah (2020 India 4:18)
Project Isolation idea came during India COVID19 lockdown time using my archived footages, which were shot in Mumbai, Jaipur, Udaipur, Goa, Kochi, Sikkim, Lucknow and Delhi. Practice social distancing and stay safe.

“The Krechel Sisters” – Tom Young (2019 Texas 4:34)
The Krechel Sisters go on a garage sale adventure.

“Paper Dreams” – Zack Kron (2018 Louisiana 1:00)
A young boy learns the secrets of life from his grandpa.

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Small Wonders 8 – An Virtual Exhibition of Tiny Art & Films
Saturday July 11 2020 – Free Online Event

